Pub Number 54: Pitcher and Piano
It had been a fair wee while since we'd been to the Comedy Club at the city screen, so we returned to pub number 3 (this time the basement) to enjoy a few hours in the company of Richard Herring as he recounted his school days and made some rude jokes. It finished at abut 10pm, and never ones to waste pub crawling opportunities (or energy) we made the 4 metre trek to the Pitcher and Piano for a quick drink.
This massive pub was quiet (as expected for a Sunday night) and pleasant in a trendy bar kind of way. It's only downfall is that, no matter how many times I go in there, I can never remember where the toilets are. I'm pretty sure they must have moved them at one point...

Everytime I go in P&P I'm convinced they've moved the toilets! I think they did, when the had the refurb and out that ridiculous staircase just inside the door!
Is this pub crawl "members only", or can anyone join?
Jo - I'm pretty sure they did move them at one point - I just don't go in often enough to make my brain fix the new location!
Will S - you are welcome to join us -though Paul and I are off on a USA road trip for the rest of April, so next one might not be until May, unless we get our act together for a school night one this week. I'll post meeting time and place for the next one on the blog when it's arranged. Have also added our contact email address to side bar
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