A text message from Lynne, simply saying "Woof" was our only clue as to where the evening's frolics would begin. After delaying our departure slightly by spending ten minutes deciding exactly which of my identical looking brown shirts to wear, we arrived at The Yorkshire Terrier to find Lynne & Neil waiting for us. Leanne took a seat while I went to purchase a beer in a ridiculously shaped glass. On returning I decided to walk straight past our table and towards its reflection in the big mirror at the end of the room. Pubs shouldn't be allowed to have big mirrors, they're far too confusing to drunk people.

Being a York Brewery pub, there's an impressive array of ales on tap, but the fact that it's very brightly lit give it a slightly odd atmosphere. Probably better in the daylight.
Pub Number 20: The Punchbowl
Being a York Brewery pub, there's an impressive array of ales on tap, but the fact that it's very brightly lit give it a slightly odd atmosphere. Probably better in the daylight.
All it took was a few short steps and we were in a very full Punchbowl. We obstructed a passageway for a while, all the time keeping our eagle-eyes peeled for a free seat. A quiz machine was spotted, but unfortunately it was at the far side of a very snug looking snug, so was rendered inaccessible. Luckily it wasn't long before a free table was spotted. Leanne's ability to fashion a makeshift tripod out of pint glass proved to impress the clientele, and the camera's self timer function even managed to get a small round of applause.

A very traditional pub, lots of dark wood panelling. A large board behind the bar boasts a huge selection of pies, which we'll have to come back and sample another time.
Pub Number 21: Ye Olde Starre Inne
Back across the road and into York's oldest pub, dating back to 1644. As usual it was busy, but we manage to grab a table right near the bar.

Doubts were raised over Lynne's abilities to tell different colours apart, when she began to refer to her obviously grey top as being purple. It took all three of us to convince her that it was grey (well I think we came to a compromise of "pale lilac").
Lynne's reaction to this revelation:

Nice pub, good atmosphere, good toilets.
Pub Number 22: Evil Eye
In sharp contrast to Ye Olde Starre Inne, the neighbouring Evil Eye is a very modern "cool" cocktail bar. It's usually packed to the rafters with Trendy Young People, but surprisingly for a Saturday night it was relatively quiet. On entering we were surprised to bump into James, who we thought was in Jersey.
Leanne, Lynne and James went for Singapore Slings. I opted for a Mojito (or Mr Freeze, as Neil put it), which the barman had decided to make mostly with lime. Neil wasn't swayed by the cocktails, nor was he impressed by the selection of beers available.

Pub Number 23: Kennedy's
Another short stroll and we were in Kennedy's.

It was straight down to the dance floor, where "all the salsa people in the world" were showing off their moves.
Neil appeared to emit laser beams from his eyes.

The highlight of any visit to Kennedy's is going to toilets to use the industrial stregth Dyson Airblade hand-driers.

After a bit of a dance we decided that it was time to find some provisions to give us enough energy for the long walk home, so we ended the night with a trip to the dubiously named "Yummy Chicken".
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